Army ROTC Cadet Forms

FORMS to PARTICIPATE -- turn in to Admin, or email to

Forms to Participate

Cadet Provides or Completes


Birth Certificate

Provide copy


Social Security Card

Provide copy


Immunization Record

Provide copy


Dental Form

Complete and sign


CC Fm 139-R


Complete and sign

AROTC Enrollment form   

FSU  /sites/g/files/upcbnu1166/files/139-R%20Cadet%20Application%20and%20Enrollment%20Record%20(FSU%20Cadets).pdf           

TCC /sites/g/files/upcbnu1166/files/139-R%20Cadet%20Application%20and%20Enrollment%20Record%20(TCC%20Cadets).pdf

CC Fm 136-R

Complete and sign

Govt sponsored benefits


CC Fm 137-R

Complete and sign

Auth for ROTC access to school records


DA Fm 3425-R 

CDT prepares for Dr to sign


CC Fm 104-R

submit within first 6 weeks