Enhance your Skills, Build Friendships, Leave a Legacy
For more information, contact our enrollment officer, Mr. Bob Lovins
Email: rlovins@fsu.edu Cell: 850.264.7118 Office: 850.644.8806 Visit GoArmy.com

Army ROTC is a college elective that teaches you the skills needed to be a successful leader. You'll combine classroom time with hands-on experience and learn leadership and management skills. Because it's an elective, you can try it out as a freshman and sophomore (MS-I and MS-II) without incurring any obligation to serve in the military. If you decide you are up to the challenge of leading in the world's best armed forces, you continue on to the advanced courses (MS-III and MS-IV) of Army ROTC while completing your degree. At graduation you are commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army, Army Reserves, or National Guard. Whatever you decide, the experience you'll gain in Army ROTC will give you the confidence you need to be a success in college and beyond.
For Cadets who choose to contract, Army ROTC has many additional benefits. By contracting, Cadets are ensured a job for four years (or more!) in even the worst job market. Contracted cadets are also provided a monthly stipend to aid with college expenses (based on year in college). Cadets who study a critical language are given a further stipend each semester to reward them for challenging themselves. Additionally, contracted Cadets have the opportunity to compete for Army ROTC scholarships. These scholarships come in many different lengths (4-, 3.5-, 3-, 2.5-, and 2-year), so our Cadets may easily be under scholarship for the remainder of their time here at FSU. Scholarships reimburse either tuition or housing costs; these scholarships also provide a book allowance each semester.

Army ROTC Cadets, in addition to their academic studies, take military science (ROTC) courses, participate in leadership laboratory physical readiness training (PRT), and attend the five-week Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, KY (normally, the summer between the MS-III and MS-IV years). Cadets who enter the program after their freshman year, but still wish to graduate and commission in four years, attend Basic Camp between their MS-II and MS-III years to prepare them for success in the Advanced Course. Cadets also have the opportunity to compete for summer training opportunities ranging from airborne and air assault school to professional internships and understanding deployments to foreign countries.
Upon successful completion of all Army ROTC and baccalaureate degree requirements, each Cadet is commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army, Army Reserves, or National Guard.
Enrollment Officer: Captain Robert Lovins, U.S.Army, Retired
Email: rlovins@fsu.edu; Mr. Lovins
Cell: (850) 264-7118
Office: (850) 644-8806
For more general information, visit GoArmy.com